北外滩艺术馆,坐落于虹口北外滩来福士3楼,是全国首家3D+实景圆明园主题沉浸式艺术馆。艺术馆面积近4100平方米,植根于中国传统文化,开馆首展“梦回圆明”系列展览以圆明园海外回流家具、官窑瓷器以及其他宫廷珍藏为载体,通过9大主题展厅,打破博物馆固有叙事方式,采用新媒体科技,实物造景、互动投影等技术,提供观众焕然一新的参观体验。展览从人文、艺术、科技的角度设置多元的互动体验,让观众在欣赏馆藏近百件精美绝伦的古代珍宝的同时,学习清代历史文化,领略中华文明的博大精深与不朽风采,近距离接触中国传统艺术文化,建立真正的民族自信。 C3M North Bund Art Museum is located in the North Bund of Hongkou, Shanghai, with a total area of 3700 square meters. The code name C3M has a special meaning. C3, the English initials derived from three words, symbolizes CapitaLand-Raffles North Bund; China-ceramics; Cai-the surname of the founder Mr. Cai Xuanmin. Judging from the shape of C, it looks like a red mountain jade dragon, which is also the emblem of the Yuchengtang Museum founded by Mr. Cai. M-Art Museum.
2021年,北外滩艺术馆由收藏家蔡暄民先生创办。继蔡先生于2002年创办杭州东明白庐艺术馆,2020年在宁波大学创立美术馆,在上海创办御承堂博物馆之后的第四家艺术馆。 In 2021, C3M North Bund Art Museum was founded by collector Mr. Cai Xuanmin. It is the fourth art museum after Mr. Cai founded the Hangzhou Dongbailu Art Museum in 2002, the Art Museum at Ningbo University in 2020, and the Yuchengtang Museum in Shanghai.